XLVI International Congress of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression


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What we aim for.

Since its first edition in Modena, this prestigious congress aims to bring together scientists from all Latin American countries to share their interest in the field of theoretical chemistry and related sciences.

This year's edition.

This is the first edition of our QUITEL congress after pandemy and for that is so important to us to recover the capacity to be together in our friendly QUITEL society.
This year it will be developed in Uruguay, the 2024th edition will take place in Belgium and the following 2025th edition in Colombia.

The programme will be designed to attract both academic and industrial interests. PhD students, postdocs and young researchers will have plenty of opportunities to learn and to meet colleagues of their field of interest, as well as colleagues and works from other fields, given the interdisciplinary spectrum that make great this event.

This year, the Scientific Programme will include the following topics :

  • Quantum Chemistry and Methodology
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • New Materials and Supramolecular Chemistry
  • Computational Physical Chemistry
  • Machine Learning
  • Cheminformatics
  • Material Sciences
  • Computational Biology
  • Education in Science and Science Communication
  • Other related areas

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Where will it take place?

QUITEL 2023 will take place at Universidad de la República, Montevideo Uruguay, in a great and emblematic multifunctional building José Luis Massera "Faro", ideally located in the heart of the city near the nice riverside of Rio de La Plata river. For more information please contact us at quitel2023@gmail.com